Dear FUN Mom,
You are invited to a free online Yoga session led by our own FUNMC board member - Shraddha Moharir.
Shraddha has been practicing Yoga for more than 12 years now and is presently undergoing her Yoga teacher's training.
She will be offering multiple sessions this month i.e. twice a week - Monday and Wednesday evenings. Look out for a separate invite for each session. Please RSVP individually to attend the same. By RSVP'ing it is implied that you read and agree to the terms for attending these sessions.
In these sessions, Shraddha will cover Asanas focusing on breath and body synchronization, Surya Namaskars, Asanas to strengthen muscles, improve balance & flexibility, restoration, and Pranayama.
Feel free to invite a guest to join this class. Just have them sign up on our website. A zoom link to join will be sent once you register for the class.
Hope to see you!

Note : Please keep your yoga belt and blocks at your reach if you have them.
Namaste !
I am physically and mentally fit to undergo Yoga practices. I recognize that the program requires physical exertion that may be strenuous at times and may cause physical injury and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in the above mentioned program. I represent and warrant that I have no medical condition that would prevent my participation in the program. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damage know or unknown which I might incur as a result of participating in the program. Such injuries may include, but are not limited to, heart attacks, muscle strains, muscle pulls, muscle tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, injuries to knees, injuries to back, injuries to foot, or any other illness or soreness, including death. I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against the instructor for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in the program. I, my heirs or representatives forever release waive, discharge and covenant not to sue the instructor for any injury or death caused by their negligence or other acts.
Don't forget to register for all the sessions
Mon | Feb 8th | 6-7pm
Wed | Feb 10th | 6-7pm
Mon | Feb 15th | 6-7pm
Wed | Feb 17th | 6-7pm
Mon | Feb 22nd | 6-7pm
Wed | Feb 24th | 6-7pm
Mon | Mar 1st | 6-7pm
Wed | Mar 3rd | 6-7pm
questions mail to: